Member Engagement — Your Chance to Make a Difference

The dental industry is made up of people just like you, people who believe passionately about the importance of their work and the products they sell. Most importantly, across the dental industry are people who, like you, want to make a difference and that's where the Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) can help. Whether your interest is in organising social events, making sure your colleagues from the industry are kept up to date on the latest developments, or you want to help influence government policy, there is an opportunity for you to join with colleagues and make a difference.

Depending on your level of interest and availability there are a number of ways that employees of ADIA member businesses are able to engage with ADIA, the peak business organisation representing manufacturers and suppliers of products and services to dentists and allied oral healthcare professionals.

ADIA Member Committees And Groups

ADIA member committees and groups provide a forum for people with a shared interest to come together and build a stronger understanding of the issues that affect workplace relations, manufacturing in addition to the dental laboratory, implants, orthodontics, and software sectors. If you want to keep up to date, get involved in the group relevant to you. 

ADIA State Branches

A key role for the ADIA state branches that operate in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia is to provide the opportunity for dental industry employees to build collaborative networks and learn about changes to the commercial, technical and regulatory environment.

Through a national committee, special interest group, or a state branch you get the chance to provide ADIA with advice and guidance on everything from the content of seminars to the type of social events which are convened by ADIA. If you want to make a positive contribution on the direction of the dental industry by having a say on product regulation, tax policy, and matters of international trade, ADIA offers you an unparalleled opportunity as a result of its established, high-level engagement with senior bureaucrats and politicians.

Take the next step in your dental industry career and make a difference by joining an ADIA national committee. It provides you with the opportunity to interact and network with and learn from the foremost businesses across the dental industry and realise the satisfaction of seeing your own efforts incorporated into policy positions that are taken to government, new training courses, and ADIA's industry statistics that provide the market intelligence required for your business to grow, create jobs and operate sustainably.

Further Information

Keep up to date with the issues affecting your business and the broader dental laboratory sector, be sure to follow ADIA on Facebook at and subscribe to the Twitter feed @AusDental. For more information on how you can get started simply contact the team in the national office today via email at or by telephone on 1300 943 094.

This information is available for your use under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence, with the exception of the ADIA logo, other images and where otherwise stated.

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