ADIA's Strategic Plan
Who We Are
ADIA is the peak business organisation representing manufacturers and suppliers of products to oral health professionals.
Our Mission
To help our members grow sustainable businesses through representation, promotion, information and education.
Our Vision
An industry that empowers oral health professionals to advance the health and well-being of all Australians.
Over the next three years, ADIA will draw its attention on developing the market for dental products, continuing to deliver great exhibitions through the ADX brand, secure policy reforms from government and enhance member engagement.
For further information, please review one of the four key priority areas:
Priority Areas
Priority 1: Financial
To ensure the ADIA is financially sustainable for the long term this key priority area focuses on the financial aspects of the association and explores new revenue streams. This will in turn benefit the association and the availability of resources to help members grow their business.
Priority 2: Members
Members is the key priority area focused on all members of the ADIA
and understanding their needs. As a member driven organisation we understand that ADIA best serves manufacturers and suppliers of dental products when we place them at the centre of all that we do.
Priority 3: Internal Processes
Internal Processes is the key priority area which focuses on implementing internal processes that will translate across externally. ADIA will continue to improve their offering through feedback from planned reviews and surveys.
Priority 4: Organisational Capacity
Organisational Capacity is the key area which focuses on both the organisational
structure and the membership, the people which ultimately form the ADIA. Staff must fully understand the needs of members and how to assist them.
At the heart of the ADIA Strategic Plan 2020 - 2023 is an appreciation of the symbiotic relationship that exists between the dental industry and the dental profession. ADIA's objective, therefore, is to create an environment in which the industry and the profession work collaboratively to build sustainable businesses as a result of a nation that makes a greater investment in its oral health.
ADIA provides leadership, strategy, advocacy and support. Our members set our agenda, funded our activities and directly benefited from the results.
Further Information
To keep up to date with changes in this area you can subscribe to the Twitter feed @AusDental or follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can contact the Association via email or by telephone on 1300 943 094.
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