Respect | Integrity | Professionalism

ADIA Values
Code of Conduct for ADIA Events
ADIA's values are Respect, Integrity and Professionalism. All participants are expected to actively promote these values when participating in ADIA events, including exhibitions, conferences, functions and webinars.
- Respect the meeting coordinator, host and other participants. Allow them to finish speaking before adding your voice.
- Where meetings are chaired, hosted or facilitated, use the "hands up" icon or chatbox to communicate your question or comment where possible.
- Disagreement must be respectful. Address the issue, not the person.
- Recognise other participants' expertise, knowledge, experience and information.
- Be respectful of other participants' time. Reiterating other participants' statements slows progress and does not add value to the meeting.
- Disrespectful, dismissive or other bullying behaviour will not be tolerated. People who display these behaviours may be removed from meetings and prevented from returning.
- ADIA events are not the appropriate forum to share personal, political or social opinions.
- Recognise that the chair, host or facilitator may not raise every issue raised by every meeting participant.
- Ask questions to which you genuinely want the answer. Statements masquerading as questions are misleading and do not add value to the conversation.
- You are representing your company while attending an ADIA event. Your behaviour reflects on your company.
- Evidence-based positions, expertise, knowledge, experience and information that is different from yours is equally valid.
- Use your voice to add value. It is helpful to add relevant new information or insights.
Further Information
To keep up to date with changes in this area you can subscribe to the Twitter feed @AusDental or follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can contact the Association via email or by telephone on 1300 943 094.
This information is available for your use under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia license, with the exception of the ADIA logo, other images and where otherwise stated.