ADIA CEO Update: Fifth Review of the Dental Benefits Act 2008: Report Released
In the second half of last year, ADIA participated in the fifth review of the Dental Benefits Act 2008 (the Act). The report has been tabled in Parliament this month.The report includes 21 recommendations for improving delivery of and access to the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), the only program operating under the Act. |
Increasing awareness and participation in the CDBS is a key advocacy focus for ADIA. It is encouraging to see a united call from respondents for increased awareness of the CDBS across the board, as well as a strong focus on equitable access to care for rural and remote children and priority populations.
The recommendations also include establishing a definition of children with 'high care needs' and increased benefits for that group, along with inclusion of treatment in a hospital setting and treatment provided under general anaesthetic.
The report is timely given the current Senate Select Committee Inquiry into the Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia. (Read the interim report here.)
ADIA continues to advocate for increased awareness of the CDBS for eligible children in Australia. Any developments on the report recommendations and the Senate Select Inquiry will be shared via this update as they become available.
If you would like any more information or have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to do so by email.