Annual Review | Australian Dental Industry Association

Insights Webinar

Insights Forum

The Insights Webinar series will cover a range of diverse topics on external environmental factors which will be insightful and thought-provoking. These webinars will be held on the third Tuesday of every month.

Technical Forum

Technical Forum

Held quarterly, this Technical Forum is for ADIA members which includes updates from the TGA Regulation and Tech meetings.

Woman in Dentistry

Women in Dentistry Forum

Held quarterly, the Women in Dentistry Forum is an opportunity to discuss ways we can help you, your female customers and your female colleagues be more successful in their business.

The Forum is open to all people in the Oral Health sector who have an interest in the success of women in dentistry.

Events Forum

Events Forum

Held every 2 months via Zoom, the Events Forum gives all members the opportunity to join the discussion and have a say around all ADIA events.

State Branch Griefing

State Branch Briefing

The Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) convenes quarterly meetings in each state to allow members to come together, strengthen their professional network, and hear from representatives of dental community stakeholders.

Refresh Webinar Series

Refresh Webinar

The Refresh Webinar Series will help you give new strength and energy to your business, through and post COVID-19. These webinars will be held on the third Tuesday of every second month.

Further Information

To keep up to date with changes in this area you can subscribe to the Twitter feed @AusDental or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can contact the Association via email or by telephone on 1300 943 094.

This information is available for your use under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence, with the exception of the ADIA logo, other images and where otherwise stated.

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