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ADIA CEO Update: August 2024 Advocacy Update

Posted by ADIA on 16 August 2024
ADIA CEO Update: August 2024 Advocacy Update

ADIA continues to represent members at a national level. Along with ongoing work with the TGA and the Parliamentary Friends of the Dental Industry group, ADIA also regularly meets with department staff and Ministerial Advisors. 

ADIA meets with Federal Ministers

Earlier this month ADIA Director of Policy & Education, Dr Sarah Raphael met with Federal Ministers at the 2024 Federal Labor Business Exchange in Sydney.

This event provides important opportunities for one-on-one meetings to discuss ADIA's major advocacy platforms with Ministers and attend keynote addresses from the Prime Minister, Hon. Anthony Albanese MP and Treasurer, Hon. Jim Chalmers. 

Discussions are aimed at maintaining important parliamentary relationships to ensure businesses in the dental sector can thrive and the oral health profession is supported to improve the oral health of our community.

During the forum, Dr Raphael met with the following Ministers:

Hon. Mark Butler MP (Minister for Health & Aged Care) on plans for oral health reform and the new oral health plan. Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) promotion to increase the awareness for eligible families was also discussed. 

Hon. Julie Collins MP (Minister for Small Business; Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) on pressures on small business with high freight costs and supply chain delays along with State payroll tax implications on dental service organisations.

Senator the Hon. Tim Ayres (Assistant Minister for a Future Made in Australia; Assistant Minister for Trade) on information for members about industry grants such as the Industry Growth Program and National Reconstruction Fund.

Hon. Amanda Rishworth MP (Minister for Social Services) on the much needed promotion of the CDBS to eligible families.

Hon. Emma McBride MP (Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention; Assistant Minister for Rural and Regional Health) on the current state of the oral health workforce in rural and regional Australia and the need for incentives to attract dental practitioners to these regions.
Hon. Dr Anne Aly MP (Minister for early Childhood Education; Minister for Youth) on strategies to partner with early childhood and youth education to promote the CDBS.

Senator the Hon. Anthony Chisholm (Assistant Minister for Education, Assistant Minister for Regional Development, Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) on strategies to partner with the Education Sector to promote the CDBS.

Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP (Assistant Minister for Immigration) on the promotion of the CDBS within his electorate of Kingsford Smith.

Dr Gordon Reid MP on the connections between oral health and general health and the promotion of the CDBS within his electorate of Robertson.

Hon. Anika Wells MP (Minister for Aged Care; Minister for Sport) on the need for aged care reforms to include oral healthcare for Older Australians.

If you would like any more information or have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to do so by email.

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ADIA Overseas Trade Show Grants

Posted on 21 June 2024
ADIA Overseas Trade Show Grants

Taking place every two years, IDS Cologne is the top event for the international dental sector. IDS presents the entire range of products available on the international dental market. It brings together all relevant target groups from the worldwide dental sector.

As part of the new ADIA Overseas Trade Show Grant initiative, grants are available to assist member businesses to attend IDS 2025 Cologne.

These grants will provide financial support to ADIA member businesses to participate in the trade show, foster international connections by visiting potential partners and to provide growth opportunities for member businesses.

The successful grant applicant will match ADIA grant funds, with ADIA to cover up to 50% of the member's total investment.

Grant opportunities

  1. Exhibitor Grant up to $15,000
    This grant is available for a manufacturer.
  2. Attendee Grant of up to $7,500
    This grant is available for importers, suppliers and distributors.

Selection criteria:

  • Membership Duration: Grants are available to ADIA members who have maintained their membership for a minimum of two years.
  • Application Strength: The application must present a compelling case for business growth opportunities, as detailed in the supporting statements. 
  • Business Type: Service-based businesses, including marketing and consulting services, are not eligible for these grants.


Please submit your Expression of Interest via the online application forms below. 

Other overseas tradeshows

We are also taking expressions of interest for other overseas tradeshows. If there is an overseas trade show in which you are interested, please submit your Expression of Interest.

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ADIA CEO Update: June 2024 Advocacy Update

Posted by ADIA on 20 June 2024
ADIA CEO Update: June 2024 Advocacy Update

ADIA continues to collaborate with key stakeholders and advocate strongly on behalf of our members to maintain a business and regulatory environment that allows your businesses to grow and operate sustainably.

We also actively advocate for improvements in community oral health, especially for vulnerable groups who face barriers to access for oral health care including children from low socio-economic backgrounds and older Australians.

Here is a snapshot of some of our recent advocacy activities.

Payroll Tax

Recent changes to the interpretation of state and territory payroll tax law means that independent contractor dentists working under a service facility agreement may be deemed employees. This has led to a great deal of uncertainty around retrospective liability for practice operators, including some of our affiliate members.

This week, I met with political strategists from Anacta, a public affairs firm who are actively mounting a campaign to address this issue with state and territory Governments. I will keep you informed of developments in this area.


Changes to the regulation of exempt medical devices and exempt other therapeutic goods have been proposed by the TGA. These changes have the potential to increase regulatory red tape and costs for these types of products. We made a submission outlining the potential impact of this proposal on the costs of dental equipment, products and services. Read our submission here.

ADIA has also partnered with Medicines Australia on a joint letter signed by MTAA, Aus Biotech and other associations to the Hon Mark Butler, Minister for Health and Aged Care regarding TGA cost recovery from industry for infra-structure development. In other departments, the Government rightly supports this type of development as capital expenditure investment.

Parliamentary Friends of the Dental Industry

AIDA took dental technology to Parliament House this month! Showcasing how the latest innovative dental equipment can be used to break down barriers to access for oral health services especially in aged care and rural and remote settings. Amongst the 30 interested parliamentarians and advisors were The Speaker of the House, the Hon Milton Dick MP, Senator Wendy Askew, Ms Zali Steggall OAM MP, Dr Mike Freelander MP and Dr David Gillespie MP. All were amazed at the way the technology could be used to facilitate reforms in oral healthcare and several posted on their social media accounts. Initiatives like this build strong relationships with our parliamentary colleagues and open the door for continued dialogue on reform and to discuss any future issues that may arise. 

If you would like any more information or have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to do so by email.

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2024 Australian Dental Industry Awards

Posted on 23 March 2024
2024 Australian Dental Industry Awards

Congratulations to the 2024 winners!

Members of the Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) and the wider oral health community gathered last night at the International Convention Centre in Sydney to celebrate the dental industry’s finest.

The Australian Dental Industry Awards were presented at a gala dinner event, in conjunction with ADX Sydney. Chaser and War on Waste presenter, Craig Reucassel provided entertainment with his humorous tongue-in-cheek take on everything from politics to the SIDCON & ADX Sydney program.

The ADIA President and Board acknowledged ADIA member and Centaur Software Co-Founder, Dr Frank Papadopoulos, for his contribution to the industry, receiving the Industry Pioneer Award. Dr Mark Wotherspoon, who has advocated tirelessly for improved dental care in the aged care sector, was also acknowledged with the Industry Award.

In accepting the Industry Award, Dr Wotherspoon said "It is an absolute honour to win this award, which is amazing in that it helps to shine a light on the need for general dentists, public and private, to lift their game."

Clinton Lewis, the winner of the Service and Support Award, paid tribute to his team and their "daily commitment to empower dental professionals to provide exceptional service, with relentless innovation.'' He said that the Award would "fuel [their] determination."

ADIA CEO, Kym De Britt, stressed the importance of honouring standout achievements in the sector. He remarked, "These awards are a way for the Association to applaud industry excellence and commend the members and groups at the forefront of improving the oral health outcomes for Australians."

We would like to congratulate all winners of the Australian Dental Industry Awards:

ADIA Board Awards

  • Women in Dentistry Scholarship: Judith Raj
  • Presidents Award: Louise McCann
  • Industry Award (Inaugural): Dr Mark Wotherspoon
  • Industry Pioneer Award: Dr Frank Papadopoulos 

Australian Dental Industry Awards

  • Emerging Dental Manufacturer or Supplier Award: Angus Pryor Dental Stars
  • Business Continuity and Sustainability Award, sponsored by My Business: Tepe
  • Thryv Innovation Award: SDI Limited
  • Educational Initiative Award: Centaur Software
  • Marketing Award: Dentsply Sirona
  • Service and Support Award: Clinton Lewis, Centaur Software
  • Outstanding Achiever: Sean Pereira, Centaur Software
Posted in:AwardsAwards WinnersExhibitionsIndustry NewsNews & MediaExhibitions, Events & Awards  

ADIA congratulates Senators of the Inquiry into the Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia

Posted by ADIA on 1 December 2023
ADIA congratulates Senators of the Inquiry into the Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia

We asked them and they listened!
During the consultation period for the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into Dental Services in Australia, an alliance of 14 peak oral health organisations initiated by ADIA sent an Open Letter to Senate Committee Chair, Senator Jordon Steele-John, urging the Committee to make a recommendation for the Appointment of a Commonwealth Chief Oral Health Officer. The Commonwealth Chief Oral Health Officer’s role would be to drive a coordinated national approach to Australia’s Oral Health via a new roadmap for the provision of and access to Dental Services. ADIA is pleased to report this request has been heard and the appointment of a Chief Dental and Oral Health Officer appears in Recommendations 4 and 33 in the Final Report1 released yesterday.

Pictured L-R: Ms Stephanie Wells (ADIA), Senator Fatima Payman (Deputy Chair), Senator Jordon Steele-John (Chair), Dr Sarah Raphael (ADIA)

This appointment is pivotal to the success of all the other key recommendations that have been put in place to address the desperately needed improvements in oral health in Australia.
The latest release of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data on Oral Health2 last week, confirms that cost continues to be a barrier to access for oral healthcare for many Australians. This leads on to the shocking statistics that show that approximately 80,000 people living in Australia undergo hospitalisation for dental conditions each year that could have largely been prevented with regular, comprehensive preventive oral healthcare. This rate of potentially preventable hospitalisation for dental conditions is highest amongst children 5-9 years of age and is more than one-third higher for Indigenous Australians compared to Non-Indigenous Australians. With less than half of all Australians aged 15 years and over visiting a dental professional in the last 12 months, it is no wonder that Australia finds itself in a poor state of oral health!
This inquiry has once again shone a light on what we need to do to turn this around. With oral health a critical component of overall health and wellbeing, we now have solid recommendations to work towards. By improving the oral health of our nation, benefits to overall health such as lowered risk of heart disease and diabetes will result.  In addition, improved oral health allows everyday Australians to smile with confidence and be free of oral pain and discomfort.
The Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) is the peak body representing the suppliers and manufacturers of products, equipment and services to Australia’s oral health practitioners. ADIA’s vision is for an industry that empowers oral health professionals to advance the health and wellbeing of all Australians. Our members provide the latest products and technology to the oral health profession to enable wider access to oral healthcare, especially in rural and remote populations, aged care and disability settings.
The ADIA wishes to thank Senators Jordon Steele-John, Fatima Payman, Ross Cadell, Wendy Askew and Marielle Smith for their important work towards improvements in oral health for all Australians. We hope the Australian Government listens to the crucial recommendations and agrees to work with the Oral Health profession to make equitable access to oral health for all Australians a reality.
For media enquiries, please contact or phone Dr Sarah Raphael on 0412 918 848.


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